
Make a difference by financially helping the Shepherd Society assist the struggling individuals and families through our programs. Your contribution is one of the avenues through which we respond to the Gospel’s call to love our neighbor and care for the poor.


Shepherd Society Donation

For offline donation click on your country name, or continue and chose the online donation using credit card or paypal

UK Offline Donation Address

Bethlehem Development Trust
Anne Plested
Post Office House
Somerset.   TA10 0AU
Tel. +447500634318

USA Offline Donation Address

Bethlehem Bible Co. 614-C South Bus. IH-35 New Braunfels, TX 78130

Tel: 830-708-7444 Email:

All contributions are tax deductible

Canada Offline Donation Address

Donations in support of student scholarship at BBC can be made through the following registered charity:

Hope Outreach of Canada PO Box 32010 RPO Northland, London, ON N5V 5K4 Canada

Tel: (519) 473-4267 Email:

Receipts for income tax purposes will be issued by Hope Outreach.

Australia Offline Donation Address


Donation Bank Account: BSB: 633-000 A/C: 150 778 876

Name: Bethlehem Hope Bible College